Health and well-being research taking place in Manchester Histories hub!
The health and well-being benefits of engaging people with heritage and the past are well known, but how can we demonstrate this?
Manchester Histories is delighted to be working alongside Creative Manchester, the University of Manchester, the Archives+ partnership and communities to research and test a new well-being toolkit.
The health and well-being benefits of engaging people with heritage and the past are well known, but how can we demonstrate this? How can Manchester Histories best support people’s well-being, both in the Manchester Histories Hub in Manchester Central Library and by facilitators in the wider community, like care homes?
To help Manchester Histories explore this Dr Erin Beeston, Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow is busy researching existing toolkits – essentially guidebooks and resources – that other heritage and arts organisations use. Erin is also making plans with our partners in Archive+ to make the most of their amazing film, sound, image, and documentary collections to use in the toolkit.
The toolkit will be aimed at older adults (over 55), but rather than rely on memory and reminiscence, Erin and the team are exploring how we can use heritage archives and objects to be creative and focus on the theme of ‘craft’. The intention is to support the toolkit users to stay focused in the present, work together and connect with each other – sharing different skills and experiences and fostering a sense of belonging and combating social isolation.
If you would like to find out more about this work or help us to develop this resource, we are hosting a Creative Café in Manchester Central Library on Monday 4 March 2024, and we will share further details of this soon.
For any questions, comments, or information you would like to share, you can email
To see our existing toolkits ranging from Peterloo to recording oral histories see:
This research project has been possible through funding from The Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), which supports knowledge exchange between higher education providers and external partners to benefit society, Manchester City Council, and in-kind support from Manchester Histories and partners.