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£180,000 in National Lottery Heritage Funding Secured for the Rocket 2030 Partnership.
Celebrating 200 Years of the World’s First Inter-City Railway between Liverpool and Manchester
Queer Up North 1992-2002 Project Launch
Queer Up North 1992-2002: Celebrating Manchester’s LGBTQ+ Heritage has been awarded £248,500 in funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with additional support from The Granada Foundation.
Launch of new cultural strategy for Manchester sparks an arts and culture re-set for the city!
Our CEO, Karen Shannon, spoke at the launch event for Always, Everywhere: Manchester's Cultural Ambition 2024-2034, held at Manchester Central Library.
A new digital resource from the Mixed Museum. SuAndi.
Opening Night Launch Party – Manchester Histories Festival 2024 & Universally Manchester Festival
We are excited to announce the Opening Night Launch Party will take place at the Whitworth on Thursday 6 June 2024 from 5.45pm to 9pm. All welcome!
Rocket 2030 – Welcomes two new Chairs!
Two new Chairs to lead the Rocket 2030 project with Manchester Histories and Partners.
Placement with Manchester Histories
We are delighted to announce that programmes manager at Malay Heritage Centre in Singapore, Hafiz Imran will be joining the Manchester Histories team in June during this years festival.
Manchester Histories Festival 2024
We are excited to announce how you can be a part of this year's festival on Thursday 6th - Sunday 9th June. Find out more
Manchester Histories are delighted to have won a 2023 Culture Award from Manchester City Council for Manchester Histories Festival 2022. The History of Climate Change. Past - Present - Future.
Health and well-being research taking place in Manchester Histories hub!
The health and well-being benefits of engaging people with heritage and the past are well known, but how can we demonstrate this?
Manchester Histories are Manchester Culture Awards 2023 Finalists!
We are delighted to be nominated for a Manchester Culture Award.
Your Home, Your Voice, Your Place: A Celebration of Community and Heritage
Manchester Histories and Great Places Housing Group launches new exhibition to celebrate 10th anniversary of Gateways to Oldham PFI initiative.