Manchester Histories Hub
The Manchester Histories Hub is a welcoming and inspirational space in Manchester Central Library that has a focus on wellbeing and highlights lesser-known histories and heritage through exhibitions, performances, installations, workshops, and events
What is the Hub?
It’s a space that will promote well-being by creating opportunities to connect with others, explore histories and heritage and make new friends. It is a place for people to come together to reveal and celebrate Greater Manchester’s rich and diverse histories.
The hub will also promote the work of the HiDDEN network. A smaller group of historic buildings, museums, and libraries with rare collections and archives such as the Working-Class Movement Library, Victoria Baths, and the Jewish Museum.
What will happen in the Hub?
The hub will deliver a series of workshops, meetings and informal social sessions exploring archives and collections with people from marginalised communities or those facing mental health challenges, homelessness, or social isolation.
With our partners and friends, the hub will also host a number of small exhibitions. To date, we have seen Rooms of Our Own, a National Lottery Heritage Funded project that revealed the hidden ‘herstory’ of the Pankhurst Trust and for International Mother Language Day in February 2023 the hub hosted a doll’s house installation about the home in Arabic, plus 11 comic art panels from other Cities of Literature.
Manchester Histories Salons are monthly in-person and online events that present fascinating hour-long lunchtime discussions on the histories of topics we and you are passionate about. They are hosted by an inspiring guest speaker, with the chance for people to ask questions and have conversations about an array of different historical themes. Past Salons have included topics such as Roman & Medieval Manchester, Migration, and the histories of Manchester shops.

Where is it?
The hub is located on the lower ground floor of Manchester Central Library, next to the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre. This will make Manchester Histories more visible to the public and reach out to those who may not ordinarily engage with history by inviting people into the hub to share their stories. If you are visiting the hub check out our short video that will help you find your way to the hub.
Who runs the hub?
Manchester City Council kindly loans the hub to Manchester Histories. We programme the activity that takes place in the hub by working alongside the library team and our partners. Our volunteers will play an integral role in the development of the hub over the years to come. Manchester Histories also forms part of the Archives+ partnership, which works together to build an appetite and demand for accessible community history and personal heritage.
There is step-free access to the lower ground floor and the hub via the lifts next to the ground floor Café in the Library. There is a limited number of blue badge holder parking spaces next to the library located on Peter Street. A quiet space can be provided for events in the form of an additional meeting room on request. If people have any access needs before visiting the hub, then please contact a member of the Manchester Histories Team to discuss.
Also, click on the link below to view a helpful toolkit that we consider when putting on events in the hub.