Here you can learn and use all our resources, toolkits, and evaluation framework, and link to other organisations that help to tell the rich and diverse stories of Greater Manchester.
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Shadow Play Toolkit
An activity resource for children & young people that explores the creative use of shadow play to tell stories about local histories. Can be used in the classroom or in community settings.
The Peterloo Learning Resources are a FREE package of History and Citizenship learning resources aimed at Key Stages 2 – 3.
The Tool Kit
This evaluation toolkit was originally developed by the University of Manchester, Cultural Practice Institute for Lets Go Global. It has been adapted by Manchester Histories in order to help us plan and implement the evaluation of our projects, festivals, events and training. We are happy for others to use it.
Project Evaluation
If you are running a project, here is where you will find downloadable PDF's and links to online forms to gather information and feedback about your project. Please note the online links are for Manchester Histories use only.
Workshops, Training and Volunteers
If you are delivering workshops or training, here is where you will find downloadable PDF's and links to online forms to gather information and feedback about your sessions. Please note the online links are for Manchester Histories use only.
Public Events and Festival
Here is where you will find downloadable PDF's and links to online forms to gather information and feedback about events and Manchester Histories Festival. Please note the online links are for Manchester Histories use only.
Museums and Libraries
Take a look and learn about all the amazing heritage venues and museums across Greater Manchester & beyond!
Heritage Groups and Societies
Take a look and learn about all the amazing heritage groups and societies across Greater Manchester & beyond!
Arts, Music, Blogs and Archives
Take a look and learn about all the amazing archives, arts and music organisation across Greater Manchester & beyond!
Toolkit 1: Your Historical Research Project
A how-to guide to doing a historical research project, from planning and design to sharing your completed research.
Toolkit 2: Doing Your Oral History Project
A how-to guide to doing an oral history project, from planning to completion.
Toolkit 3: Evaluating Your Project
A step-by-step guide to evaluating your projects, including checklists, top tips from professionals and case studies.