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Victory Over Blindness
Ever wondered about the story behind this statue near Manchester's Piccadilly Station? Find out in this blogpost by MA student Gemma.
Richard Cobden
Find out about Richard Cobden, and why his statue stands in Manchester's St Ann's Square, in this fascinating blogpost by MA student Gemma.
Grass Roots Babies: Lesbian Artificial Insemination in 1970s and 80s Manchester
Find out about the hidden history of lesbian motherhood in Manchester in the 1970s and 80s in this fascinating research by PhD student Samuel.
Alan Turing
Find out about the statue of Alan Turing in Sackville Park, in this blogpost by MA student Gemma
Friedrich Engels
Find out about Friedrich Engels, his connection with Manchester, and the controversy surrounding his statue in the city's First Street, in this blogpost by MA student Gemma.
Our New Website
Welcome to our brand new website! Over the past few months, thanks to support from the Culture Recovery Fund, Manchester Histories has been working with Reason Digital to bring you our fabulous new website.