The Wasteful Lifestyle of Students
In this busy and crazy world, we often take life for granted. Earth is where homes, memories, and life blossomed into existence. Lets start to change our wasteful student lifestyle, educate ourselves and others to save our earth
For my project I am exploring the “wasteful lifestyle of students”. This project is specifically focused on Manchester metropolitan university (MMU) students, closely looking into their living habits and how they contribute to the crisis of climate change. I feel passionate about this as I am an MMU student myself, who actively tries to change myself and my flatmates environmentally damaging habits. I try to change my damaging habits as the future is really important to be, our generation has the ability to make a change to the climate crisis. This can be a handful to an individual as they feel guilty for the mess our planet is. This leads to my approach as my goal is to educate the viewer, with simple yet effect changes they can develop to their wasteful habits rather than scare them away. Students are a large active contributor to climate change, yet most of them don’t really know how much they are affecting the crisis of climate change.
What to expect:
- The dos and don’ts when it comes to sustainability
- Life hacks, tips and tricks
- Some good old inspiration
The Eden project is very well known for its sustainable ways, you may have heard of the eden project as it is right at home in the UK.
The Eden project is based in the sunny seaside of Cornwall, which is a big helping hand for us Brits. Their website Eden at home provides useful and inspiring information on how to be more sustainable from self care to even home ware, Eden at home really helped me become inspired to make this website and change my wasteful ways, i hope it help you too.
This image is significant as it is a wide shot of both the characters, I chose this as my header image as it establishes the story in one picture. The header image plays the role a teaser for the viewers. The antagonist is purposely made black and white, which signifies how dull our future will be, if we do not act against climate change. In this image the rubbish is only on the black and white characters side as they are the conflict within this story, as they do not care about climate change.
In this image I have captured a medium shot of a student kitchen. The bins and rubbish play a significant role as they represent the lifestyle of most students, careless. Here you can see most items are most likely recyclable but however, they are in the non-recycling bin. This is a result of the antagonist as she does not recycle nor care to. I approach this by making the rubbish brighter than the rest of the room, to draw the audiences’ eye directly to the waste. The bins overflowing also connects to the laziness of most students, which relates to their attitudes toward climate change.
Image two captures the antagonist who is in black and white as she still is clueless to the damage she is coursing to the environment. The image shows her wasting food by throwing it into the bin, which is also the wrong bin for food, rather than saving the food she would rather waste her money and perfectly fine food. The choice of the antagonist using the wrong bin, represents her cluelessness about being sustainable this is the reasoning to her still being in black and white as this represents her attitude visually. This approach is to make its clear to the audience the antagonist habits are the conflict.
Image three is the first image in this linear narrative to introduce the protagonist and the antagonist together. This is significant as it conveys to the audience the change of attitude of the protagonist, I chose to start reducing the black and white effect on the antagonist, to signify the more they try to become sustainable for the benefits of helping climate change the less dull their future is. This image also introduces the protagonist who has the characteristics such as living a more sustainable life as a student, the protagonist plays the role of the educator. I chose this role as it shows the audience simple ways to improve their wastefulness.
In this photo the antagonist is nearly in full colour, this represents the progression of overcoming the conflict within this story. For example, in this image the characters are going to a charity shop. Charity shops are well known for selling used items, this is significant as this is a sustainable way of shopping which is a daily task the audience takes. I chose the charity shop setting as it is a way to educate the audience about how they can help with the crisis of climate change, as they might not have known that them being a customer at second-hand shops is a very beneficial way to sustainability.
In this final image it is a wide angle shot to capture the ending in full. This ending is represented through the antagonist as she is no longer black and white, it signifies her growth through this story by showing the changes to her lifestyle. For example, in this image I chose to capture this shot at the bus stop as choosing to take public transport rather than personal transport has a major beneficial effect. I also chose this as probably the majority of my audience group has taken public transport and may feel better about their sustainable ways rather than being too scared about climate change, they stop trying to help.