Welcome – Contribute 2024. Deadline 29th March.

Manchester Histories Festival 2024 - Sunday 9th June. Your Contribution

Thank you for your interest in being part of Manchester Histories Festival in partnership with the Universally Manchester Festival 2024. We just need a bit more information about your contribution be it a talk/ presentation/ walk/ discussion/ conversation/ performance. Please complete all sections as best you can.

What is the name of the person within your organisation we will be able to contact to discuss your contribution.
What is the name of your organisation, society or group if you have one.
The email address belonging to the lead contact from your organisation. This will not be publicly shared.
A phone number we can reach the lead contact from the organisation on. This will not be publicly shared
The website address for your organisation, please do not include 'www.' in the field. Leave blank if you do not have a website.

About your contribution

Please tell us the title of your contribution.
Please give us a summary of your contribution. This will be used for marketing purpose in the festival brochure. No more than 100 words.
What kind of activity is it? E.g. is it a panel debate? A presentation? A talk? A discussion? A conversation panel? A walk?
Tell us a bit more about your contribution for example subject matter/context (200 words)
Other than you who else is involved in your contribution? If just you - say just me.
Please tell us if you require any support. E.G BSL or travel costs.
Tell us about any costs and how much you would need. Bearing in mind we are a small charity with limited resources but we can help where we can. Please note all events are FREE for the public - making the festival accessible to all.

Contribution set up

Please let us know how you want your contribution to be presented. E.G Panel discussion, single presentation, conversation style, walk. If a walk tell us how many people you can host.
Technical Requirements
Please tell us if you have any technical requirements
You can give an approximation.

Image for brochure/website

Please upload one image to represent your contribution if you have one. This is optional. Images should be saved in best quality JPEG format, the shortest side of the image ideally 2000 pixels but no smaller than 300 pixels. Where possible these will be used in the festival brochure and on the Manchester Histories website.
Max. file size: 50 MB.


Thanks for filling out the form. Now we have all your information we will contact you in due course to let you know where, what time and the contact person you can report to on your arrival at the festival on Sunday 9th June 2024. The festival will run from 11.00 - 7.00pm. Please invite your friends and family. We look forward to seeing you there!