Your Home, Your Voice, Your Place – Oral Histories

Throughout Your Home, Your Voice, Your Place project, residents, friends and neighbours of Crossley, Dew Way, Primrose Bank and Fitton Hill contributed to an archive of oral histories through individual recordings of personal heritage, film and artwork. These are short snapshots of some of the local voices recorded in various locations around Oldham.

Sheila Davies

New home on Fitton Hill.

Joan Moran

Nana was a Suffragette!

Rose Ogden

J.A. Pattreiouex Company - Senior Service cigarette factory.

Peggy Cooke

A life's work in the mills - a family affair.
Black and white photograph of a group of mostly women millworkers facing the camera in front of a table with a celebration cake. At the centre of the group sat down is an older lady with everyone else grouped around her.

Paul Maybury

Coal mining and other industries.
Full colour painting on white background featuring scenes and memories of people and places in Oldham. Long landscape image.

Sonja Costello

Settling in Oldham.

Lesley Turner

Oldham's ever-changing landscape.

Afsana Aktar

Community spirit.

Pauline Morgan-Evans

Whit Walks.

John Morris

Poetry, dance, health and community.

Saima Suleman

Family business.

Carol Taylor

Spotlights to security - a nightclub career.

Michelle Trevor

Oldham Wakes!

Delena Knowles

Home safe.
Handmade purple crochet blanket with the word HOME stitched in large white wool thread.