Manchester Histories Festival 2016
2016 saw a mega ten day festival happening across Greater Manchester and beyond.
This was the fourth occurrence of the biennial event, and for 2016 the festival moved from its usual April billing to June, to avoid clashing with other large scale events and allow more planning time. 90 exhibitors were present in Manchester Town Hall including the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre, Back on Track, Co-operative Archives, Greater Manchester Fire Museum, Jodrell Bank and Wood Street Mission.

'It’s important to understand history'
'It’s good to see what’s going on in this area and surrounding areas'
'It helps to add to the Manchester history tapestry'
'Manchester has a fascinating history and its important people know about it'

415 Events took place across Greater Manchester

64,839 Estimated festival visits across the 10 days

200+ Partner organisations took part

624,000 Twitter impressions