By donating to Manchester Histories you can help us fulfil our mission to shape our future by exploring our past. We’re looking towards the future, to our next fabulous festival, and to the new and creative projects that will make your stories heard. Please make a donation to help to make this happen.
Why Support Manchester Histories?
We rely on donations from the public, and help from our dedicated volunteers, to celebrate our region’s diverse histories and heritage through our festivals and our locally-focused projects. Our vision is to explore and share Greater Manchester’s past to create a fairer future. You can become part of this important story by helping us to celebrate the heritage of our radical region and make sure all voices count in shaping its future. We’ve been hard hit by the pandemic, as we've missed out on donations and income from our popular events. We need support from our funders, partners and donors now more than ever. We welcome donations big or small to keep telling Greater Manchester’s stories. Please hit the donate button to make a donation now. Thank you!